12 January …

It has been an interesting week weatherwise.  Snow still on the ground, but melting, with icy spots making walking and driving a challenge.

The sky vacillates between clear blue and clouds in various forms and layers.  

And temperatures between below freezing to mid-50s.

Had a bit of a problem arranging a new primary medical care provider.  Wanted to switch to a female FNP rather than a male PA.  Took time and persistence, but I have been able to make the switch … on paper.  However, to handle a current question (problem) I have to see the PA and can’t see the FNP for at least two weeks.

The need to adjust to the new style of medical care will take a bit more time and adjustment.  

I’m from the generation when you had a doc who really knew you (sometimes from birth) and responded to you based on that knowledge rather than like now when who the doc or other person in charge of your care depends on what your current problem is and where you are … one caregiver for general office visits, another for emergent care, another for in-hospital care, another for follow-up or referral … none of whom actually know you or your personal history (and may not know any of the others) and who depend on paper (?), or on-net reports, and/or machines to choose diagnosis and treatment … often depending on information we as individuals can access on WebMD and the Mayo Clinic web sites.  In fact, I have been in an exam room and watched as an MD or a PA opened their laptop and did just such a search.

I do not think that is an improvement  In fact I’m sure it is a disservice and leads to missed diagnoses and improper care.

So I am holding positive thoughts and keeping an eye on whatever faces me.


Also have been handling a change in banks.  I think that is also resolved.

The bank I had been dealing with was a local which was bought out by a much larger fiscal corporation which started attaching unexplained charges to my account.  So I contacted the local employees who had become friends, explained the situation while assuring them my discomfort and decision had nothing to do with them or their past care of me, and asked that my account with them be closed.

Just another example of big money valuing profit over the customer.


Haven’t yet had a chance to make contact with the local library.

However, it looks as if I will be making trips to the Mt Shasta/Weed area at least once a week and so will resume my relationship with those librarians where it was broken last autumn.


So much is in flux … weather, primary care provider, ability to overcome fear of driving, et al … and as a result this post will be short.

But here is food for thought … for all of us …

None of us are immune to life’s challenges.  How we move through them is what defines us.

So,‘til next week …