20 January …

Late blog … chaotic life … world changes … 

So how was your week?


My upper GI track has been a bit of a problem for some time. I had a “scan” last tuesday to try to pin down why.  I have no idea what kind of a scan.  There are so many different ones now.

Result ??? 

Good news … The cyst on my pancreas hasn’t changed and poses no danger.

Also good news … nothing obvious for the localized discomfort in my upper abdomen.

Bad news … nothing obvious for the localized discomfort in my upper abdomen.

Sooooooooooooooo … onward toward a difficult diagnosis.

That’s probably too much information. Sorry.


Weather has been mostly clear and had been cold but seems to be mellowing.  Temperatures in the 50s expected today.  Temp at dawn was 32º with frost on the ground.

Yesterday’s walkabout was a slow quarter of a mile … down to the corner where the two Aussies live (an older one and a pup … they weren’t out yet) then back to my corner and down to my neighbor Jenny’s house and back.

Later today I will take my walkabout over to the big red barn for a pedicure (I’ll count the steps).  I can no longer achieve the positions necessary for doing my own toenails, so I indulge myself.

The walkabouts are good for improving my stamina.  Win-win.


Partially due to winter conditions, my world is quite narrow right now.  

The Juncos are still active harvesting seeds from the snow piles which resulted from the street clearing.  

There were two mated pairs of geese on the roof near the pond at the hospital, but no sign of goslings or fledglings, and a few ducks.  It’s been a while since there has been a wedge overhead.

I’ve seen the fox (in silhouette) a couple more times.  Both times at dusk.

The resident bear must still be in hibernation, or what has taken the place of hibernation with the changing climate situation.

And no further sign of raccoons or deer.


I am enjoying holding a real book in hand while reading.  I went through the first three in not quite four days and there are more waiting to be picked up at the library.

I am planning a trip ‘round the Mountain next week.  Wish Me luck.


And to end this short posting …

It’s okay to cry and okay to be sad.  Never blame yourself for how things turned out. Never tell yourself you can’t do better or this is the end of the road. 

It’s okay to fall but never okay to stay down.

So,‘til next week …