27 April ’23 …

Weather has been turning toward a warm May.


While sorting photos and identifying the people in them with the year the photo was taken I tried to determine if I could remember or guess at an approximate year a photo was taken.

During sorting I came across a photo of my paternal grandfather, Laben Jehiel Elmer Tyler, and his older brother, John Purnell Tyler, both of whom were born during the Civil War so they were about 6 and 9 when the photo was taken.

Notice their feet …


A sideways change of subject

Here’s an interesting note about an “event” reported in the Old Farmers Almanac …Tony Gemignani spun 17.6 ounces of dough for 2 minutes to form pizza base 33.2 inches wide, in Minneapolis, Minnesota — 2006

I enjoy watching the local pizza spinners, but their pizza skins never get quite that big.


And another change of subject. This time Copied from CNN friday morning 21 April ‘23

“The shooter who killed five co-workers at a Louisville, Kentucky, bank this month left notes that revealed part of his goal was to show how easy it was in America for someone dealing with a serious mental illness to buy an assault-style weapon. The gunman purchased the AR-15-style rifle seven days before the April 10 shooting after quickly passing a records check. Separately, communities across the US are grieving several recent shootings in which young people were shot after making a common blunder. Among the cases, a 6-year-old girl was shot after an angry neighbor opened fire over a basketball rolling into his yard. Other young victims include two teenage cheerleaders in Texas who mistakenly approached someone else’s vehicle in a grocery store parking lot, a 16-year-old boy who rang the wrong doorbell in Kansas City and a 20-year-old woman who turned into the wrong New York driveway.”

Now tell me again why assault-style guns are a “right” which was granted under the 2nd amendment to any member of a legal government militia, and not to just anyone who happens to belong to a made up army to own one of these killer guns.

More than once I’ve been told “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” when actually people with any kind of gun, particularly one designed for only killing people, do just that … kill people


I’ve been watching a tv show called Alaska Daily on ABC.  It’s about the high number of native women who disappear with no effort by the law system making little if any effort to find them, living or dead.

The lesson to be learned is a dismal one.

However there is, in addition to the central lesson which makes it well worth watching, a lot of it is shot on location.  

I have a cousin living north of Anchorage away from the cities with no paved or even gravel roads. She travels close to 20 miles by shanks pony or a snow mobile or a two dog sled to pick up her mail ad comnicates by radio.

I always enjoy her paintings and photos. 


And speaking about Alaska … Remember the widespread oil slick created by the sinking of the tanker by the name of the EXXON Valdez? 

1987 she went aground in Prince William Sound spilling 11 million gallons of oil, the largest oil spill ever. 

My middle son was in the Coast Guard aboard the buoy tender the Iris which was deployed to help in the cleanup and he brought home a small jar of the bay water including some of the spilled oil floating on top of the water.


Because I write this blog using stream of consciousness and because I read the Old Farmers Almanac’s daily post which includes along with who was born on whatever date of is the printed issue, who died and a list of what events of note happened on the that date, one day last week it included the Hindenburg Disaster in 1937.  I remember when it happened because it was all anyone at school was talking about and one of our teachers had a radio at school (we still didn’t have electricity on our farm and so didn’t have a radio).  I clearly remember hearing a reporter on the scene saying “oh the humanity of it”.

I also clearly remember Les Nessman, the news reporter working at WKRP in Cincinnati, repeating those words verbatim when the Owner of the station decided to throw turkeys out of a small plane to celebrate Thanksgiving as a PR stunt and as gifts for the station’s listeners.

The only problem was that the turkeys were frozen hence Les’s declaration as he watched the mayhem below …  “Oh the humanity of it”


To close out the week … Robert Burns, also known familiarly as Rabbie Burns, was a Scottish poet who probably said it best …

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”

So ‘til next week …