13 January …

Better late than never …

The weather this past couple of weeks has been nothing but rain sometimes light and occasionally a bit heavier, wind occasionally gentle but the trees are dressed in so much snow they can’t dance then the wind gets so strong there is damage all over the south County and many medical calls for chest pains and falls and unresponsive people,


My morning friday started with looking at “For better or for worse”as is my usual routine.

It reminded me of one time when George and I were “stepping out”.  On our way to take me home following one of our roller skating dates (late 1940s) we stopped on a rather broad “pull out” part way up the mountain and when we realized we better get me home, the windows were fogged and there were Boy Scouts camped in tents near us, probably on a nature outing.

(Thank you Lynn Johnson)


Did you know that Mickey Mouse debuted in newspapers on 13 January 1930? So we were “born” the same year.

How come he hasn’t “aged” and I have?


I am a reader of the magazine Archaeology, probably because Mr Edgar introduced me to Margaret Mead (not in person but through her research) and that’s one of the reasons I am interested in family history.

But the magazine and I were at loggerheads since the turn of the year.  I kept getting written letters saying my subscription was expiring and needed to be paid or it would be closed.

I had paid for the next two years by check in December.  I returned the latest threat of no more copies with a printed copy of the check.

And when another threat arrived within days, I called their “Service” number, spoke with a well-spoken man in Manila who found out they (the letter folks) were working from another subscription identification number under my new address here in McCloud and after more computer crunching got it all straightened out and extended my real number by two issues.  Neither of us had any idea who or why it had been changed.

But All’s well that ends well, right?


 The last time Kristen, who cleans up the house of the chores I am no longer able to handle, had seen all the genealogy notebooks in my office and finally asked me what they were.  That rang my family history bell and I started telling her what they were and that I was getting back to doing more research which had sort of dropped by the wayside during the move to my current place.  She is now interested in learning how to get started because of an interest in a relative about whom she knows nothing other than a name. 

During the next two weeks I put together a beginners book with information she needs and gave it to her the next time she was here with a promise to answer questions.  She was excited by the prospect.  Then weather interfered and she has been sick.

But that interaction had gotten me back to my own research which led me back to an early family which had yielded some interesting names in an online discussion before the moving morass which I can longer find.  So I am starting over with the hope I will either the find the previous conversation or further leads to the solution of which Hatevil Hall goes where when and with whom (there are IV of them) beginning in the 1660s in “British Colonial America”.

It is a bit of chaos so far and includes a Shadrack and several Enochs in the male line.

Wish me luck …

Roots Magic, which is the family tree organizer I use, is having a learning event in conjunction with Family Search (the LDS research center and library available online) and offering the event sessions free on line to those who have a research number which means all the lectures and classes are being offered to download and use whenever I have time or as the itch moves me.   

I’ve decided to allot one day a week to genealogical learning and research, so guess what classes and lectures I’ll be seeing as many times as I want.  Maybe I can share them with Kristen and we can learn together.


Recently when Mark et al were here I had been offered a free movie on my DirectTV.

It was decided to make it a family movie and the one chosen was one I probably would not have picked (can’t recall the name) but which caught my attention and so I sat spinning while watching.

Sharing movies with one or the other of my sons has been a pleasure whether the movie has been good or sometimes not so.  Still those times are always time well spent. 

A couple of media events I have enjoyed lately have been a repeat of a radio recording of a Victor Borge bit from a concert (complete with great piano, fractured opinions, and sound effects), a movie I thoroughly enjoyed (Bagdad Cafe), and another neither of us thought met its potential (Avatar).

There are a couple of movies I have on discs which I plan to watch again … Contact and Interstellar.  And one I plan to look for on the Net … Elysium (SciFi).

Next on the list to be shared is Glass Onion (Satire, comedy).

Does anyone have an suggestions?


And to end out the week…

If you woke up this morning, it is not too late.

So ‘til next wednesday …