8 December …

4” of new snow when I got up last thursday.

Steve out ploughing Village streets and my driveway by 0945.  

Glaring sun off and on.

Ominous sky saturday morning … very light snow only about 1” overnight with more expecting heavier snow beginning later.

Another 4” on top of the partially melting snow sunday and still snowing.  Satellite tv (DirectTv) out due to the overnight storm.  Phone still working.

Monday unknown amount of overnight snow.  Lightly falling snow when I awoke.  Snowing heavily by 0900.  

I need to get a standup yardstick similar to the one George used out at the farm and put it where I can see it from in the house.

Still monday morning and snowing heavily.  Power support generator came on at about 1030 but was on for less than three or four minutes.

Snow stopped about 1400.

Tuesday morning bright.  No measurable new overnight snow.  Trash pickup scheduled for monday afternoons arrived about 0945 tuesday morning and got stuck where only Village pickup trucks had been able to open a path.  Village snow removal equipment still out of commission. 

Thursday morning … no change in Village snow status.  Still too cold for morning walkabouts. 


Pearl Harbor anniversary … December 7th along with Full Cold/Oak Moon.

George and I would always watch ToraToraTora on the 7th.  Watching was always knee jerk bitter and full of memories. 

Both sides made so many mistakes based on assumptions.  The death totals might have been even higher had the tiger not been awakened as an evaluation of the impending war attributed to Admiral Yamamoto. 


My covid med finished saturday.  No more bad mouth.  No more runny nose either, only the normal morning sinus cleaning.  I retested sunday noon and my post-med test was negative.

Mark is on Paxlovid also and finished his 5 days on sunday.

John has had Covid more than once probably due to his compromised immune system.  He may have what is being called Long Covid.


Another family genealogist and I have been trying to track proof of the mid-years of a shared ancestor named Cuthbert Sims.  So far without success.  

We have his Revolutionary War pay records and hospital time in Pennsylvania near the end of the war and probable discharge site and tax records in New Jersey during the very late 1770s and enumerated in the 1830 census which has only his name and not those of the others in the census list and several more tax list years in the early 1780s and then he disappears until he applies for a pension in 1818/1835.  Empty years .. no marriage records nor any recorded birth records of children.  Somerset County New Jersey records and church records for the church cited in the pension request (which was granted) have disappeared.  

Next trace is when a woman named Catherine married an ancestor of one of my Garrison ancestors (Daniel S. Garrison) naming Cuthbert Sims as her father.  

As noted previously, there is no record of her birth, but a younger brother of Daniel Garrison gave one of his sons Sims as a middle name possibly in honor to the sister-in-law?

Keep researching.

Oh well …


And a giggle for for the upcoming week … https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/12/06/conductor-goes-nuts-moos-cprog-orig-bdk.cnn?utm_term=167041345023052b9f5714468&utm_source=cnn_Five+Things+for+Wednesday%2C+December+7%2C+2022&utm_medium=email&bt_ee=SpQCbpTGxAfnkqohOBiwfALZEVpTO0X0ouCQmo%2F%2FKEN5YoWKevTnm3mcnwHgGnqH&bt_ts=1670413450233

Or check out CNN’s Breakfast Browse online for 7 December.

So ‘til next week …