2 February …

Latest event in the Village was the removal last monday of the holiday wreaths on the street lights.  I guess we are all on notice that the holiday season is over.  

Next up is Candlemas (today), but I don’t know of anyone who celebrates that in any way.


Some unidentified space radio signals, coming from somewhere in the Milky Way, which recur approximately every 18 minutes were recently “discovered” by a research student.  It reminded me of one of my favorite movies “Contact” and another recently released movie “Don’t Look Up” the starting point of which is the discovery of a potentially dangerous (to Earth) comet discovered by a graduate student.

The discovery of the radio signal has ignited a lot of back-and-forth in several talk forums, both scientific and social, with several possible sources both spatial and physical offered.  I will be following these discussions.  

I’ve been a SETI follower ever since the Sagan days.  At one time I even offered the use of my computer for help in tracking radio aberrations, but that was in the days of ultra-slow dial-up and so my involvement went nowhere.  

I think the big ears array out Hwy 89 to the east near Hat Creek is now a SETI outlook.  I’ll have to check into that.  Might be worth a field trip.


California has returned a swath of land to the local coastal Sinkyone (and that is not a spelling error but rather the indigeneous tribes’ phonetic spelling … ovidtest.gov) which includes a stand of redwoods.  The tribes will manage the land along lines taught by their Elders.

I hope I live long enough to see the results of proper land management.


I recently came across an Antwerp flash mob which was good fun … “You’re the one that I want” … and most of the mobsters were either not yet born when the movie came out or were most likely pre-school.  Enjoy … !!!

Made my first go-round-the-Mountian last friday.  Left home about 1030, did some banking and got a first try (at the
Raven Tree shop in Mt Shasta) at learning what the local Ravens might appreciate.  Will set out a small offering in the morning, watch as I can, and bring what is left (if anything) into the house at dusk so squirrels, racoons, bears and other nocturnals are not encouraged to get in the habit of coming up onto the porch.

Then went on to Weed to the library to return some books and pick up some new reads for the coming week.  For me, reading with an actual book in hand is absolutely the best.  

That opinion is not meant to be  dissing electronic reading.  Just part of my “I choose for me … you choose for you.” philosophy as is Bingo as a social thing.

I am still reading the Gaslight series by Thompson, but only three more in the series to go.  Soon I will have to find a replacement.  Maybe go back to the Mary Russell series. 

And I have leads on a couple of other series which I’ll  try out.

Available mysteries without lots of gore, explicit sex, and profanity are outnumbered by the hard core stuff and not always easy to find.

Oh well …

I think mondays will be my regular Mt Shasta and Weed days.  We’ll see how that works.

I am still watching for Jenny on her morning walkabouts and joining her for an abbreviated version whenever.

I think I told you that neighbors to the east down the street from me had started an unscheduled walkabout of their own, possibly inspired by Jenny and (to a lesser extent) also me.  Susan is not able to walk by herself following a stroke and a fall which resulted in two broken wrists.  As a result she uses a seated walker which she pushes, walks slow, and drags one foot slightly.  Husband Dave doesn’t like going at her pace so we do it without him and he keeps tabs from home windows.  

I went to “visit” them last friday afternoon and after a bit of social time (more about that in a later blog) we agreed Susan and I will meet occasionally after our “therapeutic” naps and do a short, non-strenuous walkabout … me with my walking stick and her with her walker.  

First outing was yesterday and Susan and I were joined by Jenny who had to drop out after just one circuit because of her tendon problem. We were moving too slow for her ankle’s need for movement/exercise.  

The complete circuit is a quarter mile so Susan and I did okay.  Jenny does four circuits when moving at her own pace.


One of the hosts of “The View”, Whoopie Goldberg, was suspended by ABC News for two weeks after she drew criticism for declaring that the Holocaust was “not about race.”

I agree with Ms. Goldberg.  It was not about race.  It was about religion.  Those sent to the death camps were forced to wear the Star of David and were reviled as Juden.  Neither the badge nor the title were racially based.  The cause was Hitler’s hatred of Jews … maybe an attempt to deny his own Jewish heritage?

“The View” and ABC News owe Ms. Goldberg an apology and need to read up on history. 


Words for contemplation …

I’ve seen a better day, but I’ve also seen worse. I don’t have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with aches and pains, but I woke up. My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed.

So,‘til next week …