15 December …

First real snowstorm since I moved off the farm started the late afternoon of saturday the 11th and has been going on and off ever since.  

Started anew this morning about 0730 and has been going ever since.  Total today, so far, about another two feet.

There has been some melt and a young (50something) neighbor has been clearing the part of my front porch leading to my front sliding door and the section of my driveway from the street to under the car port until this morning when he came up, started, gave up, and went home.

The electricity is doing okay either really or with my back-up generator.  That’s how I am able to write this.  And the Monitor heater is keeping the house warm. 

It’s about 1330 and the local grounds keeper is out on his snow equipment opening up our Village streets. I have no plans to go anywhere.  I picked up the mail yesterday afternoon before this latest low pressure flow started.  

At least we aren’t having wind problems with the snow.

John told me this morning that snow was coming in horizontally down in Dunsmuir so we cancelled his visit for this afternoon and rescheduled for friday.  

Mark is down in the Bay area on his job for the diocese and reports are that they are getting hit with oodles of rain.  My current prayers are that this evening he gets back to Mt Shasta safely.

Another interesting aside is that I’ve been seeing juncos flying past my sliding door (in both directions) for two days.  This morning I happened to be at the right angle to see one fly out from under my carport.  Maybe there is a nest up there somewhere.  Guess I’ll have to keep an eye out for bird droppings and see what I can discover.

The amateur radio club was scheduled to be having their holiday party this evening.  I hadn’t planned to go since I don’t want to be trying to come home after dark but it probably didn’t matter since I doubt there will be any party tonight.


Another side effect of all the snow is that the DirectTV dish antenna doesn’t seem to be functioning properly.  

I remember how George used to have to go out and sweep out the dish in the backyard.  Sometimes the snow depth was nearly chest high and after putting steps out to the dish (when we were using one of the BIG dishes) he would then have to dig down to the lower edge in order to free the dish so it could be repositioned.  

It was a bit easier when we got a small dish and it was on the lower edge of the roof … just take out a broom and sweep it out.

I think I’ll just wait this snow out.

There is leftover Thai pho with noodles and a slice of cranberry pan cookie for dinner this evening.


Last week I found a BBC series on Acorn, which carries Brit shows and which I can see on my phone, based on Agatha Christie short stories. Not Marple or Poirot but stories with sort of mysteries.  Those have been my settle-in-for-sleep “reads” since I have yet to move my library card to the McCloud library.  I can’t seem to make contact with the librarian to get there when the library is open … Covid you know. 

Oh well …


The new Cumberbatch movie was available on HBOMax (which my granddaughter shares with me) and I decided to watch it since the reviews of Cumberbatch’s performance were glowing.  

I lasted almost 10 minutes and then switched it off.  I usually enjoy Cumberbatch no matter what.  But this was based on such a bully of a character that I just couldn’t watch, no matter how masterful the acting.

The only other movie I walked out on years ago was “The Piano”.  When I realized the husband was going to punish his wife (I can’t remember what she had done to deserve punishment but I remember she loved to play the piano) and was going to do so by cutting off some of her fingers … well, I have no idea how the movie ended.  

Senseless violence, both physical and mental as well as pointless profanity (in my opinion), are the reasons I don’t watch a lot of modern movies or tv series.  The mystery series I do watch don’t deal with a lot of visual blood or cruelty.  Turns out they are mostly Brit, Aussie, Canadian, or Kiwi productions.  Clues, non-violent characters, and mental challenges are more interesting to me.


It is 1420 and the snow removal continues as does the snow.  My street and the short section of my driveway are plowed.  Feels sort of like the old winters when George and I first came to Siskiyou County.

It will be interesting to see what the night brings.


I’ll try to have pictures for next week.


In the meantime …

Writing is the shaping of letters to represent spoken words which, in turn, represent what is in the soul.

     The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun

So … ‘til next week …