1 December …

Finally will receive my COVID booster shot …  tomorrow.

Still no explanation about what happened last saturday.  Maybe there will be a sign posted since I bet I won’t be the only one asking.


Weather has been varied … frost in the morning with warmer days, even as high as the 60s.  Mostly light, scattered clouds, especially at dawn when the result this morning was a glorious pink, orange show.


Still haven’t been able to brew some cold-brewed coffee.  Need to make it to the grocery store in Mt Shasta where there is a grind-to-suit machine.  Another case of hurry up and wait.  The same with the sourdough starter.  The starter grains are here, but the crock is still en route.

Oh well …


I have the car, with its new battery, and have made a couple of trips to the post office.  Have yet to get up the courage to go ‘round the Mountain.  Jenny will be my driver again tomorrow.  Maybe getting the proper coffee for the Toddy brewer will provide the proper incentive.


The most interesting thing to have happened this past week was yesterday afternoon seeing a hawk circle and land in the open area across the street from my front porch.  

There have been signs of moles or ground squirrels and the hawk was big enough to carry either of those, or a small cat.  However, there are no resident cats around here … at least none that I know of, so I don’t know what the hawk had in mind.  

It was on the ground for a few minutes, allowing me to get a good look at it, but left without any passenger.

I’ll keep watching.  Maybe it will come back.


I’ve started writing poetry again.  It  was the pink-orange dawn that seems to have started it.  

Recently I challenged a friend, who is also a poet, to write a poem a day until our next get-together.  I did okay.  As usual I was pleased with about one-out-of-four.  But I guess she wasn’t inspired by much of anything.

Once, long ago, I set myself the task of a poem-a-day for a full year.  My normal ratio of acceptable output held, but I still have enough seasonal poems for a second book, if I ever get inspired (or the money) to self-publish again.

The first book was “Moons” arranged around the phases of the Moon.

Maybe this one, if there ever is a “this one”, could be titled “Seasons”.

Who knows where that thought will lead.


Some time ago, I wrote down the following, without noting the author or source, in my collection of things which might be appropriate as endings for a blog.  It seems this might be the time to share it …

Don’t hesitate … just jump … build your wings on the way down.

So … ‘til next week …

P.S. Son John will be here this afternoon to look after the Grandmother clock, deliver some requests, and have a short visit. Nice way to end a week.