11 August …

I’ve been absent from this blog for several weeks.  My son and I had been busy trying to get me settled in a California Masonic “Home” in Covina.  My only asset was the property my husband turned from raw land into an off-the-grid homestead which I sold to a young couple with dreams of independent living similar to that of George and I forty-five years ago.

The initial hiccup in my admission to the “Home” process was over a $153.00 unsecured debt.

When that issue seemed to be settled, I was scheduled for admission interviews.  Those interviews went well and it was my impression that the employees at the Masonic “Home” approved of me as an addition to their residential community, and were even rather excited over the life experiences and talents I would bring with me.

I was packed and ready to start the next part of my life.

Then the following happened … 

This is my post on Facebook following three days of non-responses to my calls to the Masonic employee who handles admissions to the Covina unit asking for clarification.

I am back at the land where I lived for 45 years but sold (I have until 1 September to leave) because I am now 91 and, since I am now physically diminished and have always been technically challenged, I am unable to maintain it any longer. I had planned to move into a California Masonic retirement community which they call a “Home”, but that is in abeyance because Zillow told them I sold too low. Zillow added about $200,000 to my sale price because they listed a house on the property without any Zillow employee ever seeing the house or the land. No appraisal was involved in the sale since the agreement was that the new owners bought AS IS. All Zillow’s “appraisal” was on paper using local sales references . BUT the house is in miserable condition due to the years of neglect while my husband was dying. He was aphasic, right side paralyzed, and nearly blind when he died. My application to the Masonic “Home” was denied because of the Zillow report. Some employee of the Masons decided (or so it would seem) that I am a liar and a cheat and was trying to cheat the Masons of their share of my “assets” by making a gift of that $200,000 to the people who bought the land knowing the value is in the land and house needs massive repairs.

I am appealing that decision.

Following that post, There were several supportive responses which I forwarded to the employee in charge of my application.  So far, no response.

This morning I saw this on Facebook and thought how closely it matches my situation with the Masonic Homes of California.

Too often people form inaccurate conclusions, misinterpret information they are given or unfortunately distort truth for their own gain.

Beware … It would seem that if you need Masonic help make sure you bring enough money.

In the meantime, I am back in the area, hoping to find a place where I will live out my remaining years. 

So here I am … back to the blog which will soon have a new title.


On another, equally upsetting topic … California is in the grip of the worst fire season in recorded history.  The Dixie fire in the Sierra Nevadas in the Lassen National Forest is essentially out of control and aimed to cross the stateline into Nevada.  

Siskiyou County is not currently in danger.

The Dixie has so far burned an area the size of Washington DC in 15 minutes, has burned over 500,000 acres total at the last count, and has laid a deep smoke pall over all of the state north of the Tehachapies.

This morning at dawn the sun looked small through the smoke and was a dull, deep red colour.

A cousin who lives in San Luis Obispo posted the following …

What a puzzlement, you might say.  Not really.  You just need to understand what you are looking at.  First image:  a “firestorm” so hot that it burned out cars, but not the trees.

Second image:  a fire so hot it reduced a home to nothing but ashes (no framing, no appliances, nothing!) but left the trees.

These images are from the current fire in California that destroyed the town of Greenville (just as an identical fire did the town of Paradise 2 years ago).

My response … Gaia knows where the danger to her health lies and it isn’t with nature.


And that’s it for today.  Next week I will share what has happened in my search for a home.  

“It’s time to go.” said Bear.

“But where are we going?” asked Rabbit.

“Forward,” said Bear, “we can’t stay here anymore.”

“So much has happened here though. I don’t know that I can move on.” said Rabbit.

“You can stay if you want,” said Bear, “but life won’t wait with you.”

“It won’t?” asked Rabbit.

“No,” said Bear, “besides, up ahead there might be something wonderful.”

“You think so?” asked Rabbit.

“I think…” said Bear, “if you stay here, you’ll never know.”

… and …

Don’t hesitate, just jump.  Build your wings on the way down.

So … ‘til next week …