18 December …

One of my few remaining cousins died last Saturday.  We grew up fairly close until we were in our early twenties and we both married.  But we became close again as we became “elders”.  When we were little he was called “Bunky” and he always called me Juanita (my middle name by which I was called until I started school).  Now there is only one person left in the world who calls me Juanita.

The last few years he had been caring for his wife of 63 years who has rather severe COPD.  Then a month ago, to the day, he went to see the doctor for a persistent cough and found out he had cancer of the pancreas, liver, and lungs.

The email from his daughter said he died peacefully in his sleep. 

I had called and talked with him after he told me his diagnosis and I had planned to call again last sunday. 

He used to tease me about my habit of noting problems with “Oh well …”     So, for you Bunky … a heartfelt and teary   Oh well …


Last Friday, Paul and I were recipients of a random act of kindness.  We went to the grocery store to get one of the pre-roasted whole chickens they have as the Fantastic Friday special about once a month.  We do dinner for the family when that happens.

So last Friday, there we were … all set to get roast chicken, tater tots, and a green salad on the table only to find that the 24 chickens, which had come off the roaster just minutes before we got to the store, were all gone.  The next batch wouldn’t be ready for another 45 minutes.  I told the clerk I didn’t have any chores to fill 45 minutes and we started to turn away to pay for other items we had in our cart when a man standing at the deli counter turned with a chicken in his hand and put it in our cart.  I started to say (ungraciously) ‘Thank you but you don’t have to do that” when he shook his head and said something about it being alright and that I should just do something nice when I have the chance.  So, with a choked throat, I said thank you and paid for all our stuff, including the chicken.

Now I’m in debt to Karma.

But not Paul.  On our way home I started the lesson about “paying it forward” when he said “I know, Nuna”.  He told me that at school that day his teacher, Mrs. Watkins, had set up a Santa’s Store in the classroom so her students could buy presents for their families (nothing more than 50 cents).  Paul had about $6 he had saved during the year and was selecting things for his parents and brother when he noticed that one classmate was staying at his desk.  Paul went to him and asked why.  The friend told him he didn’t have any money so Paul gave him $1.50 which was what he hadn’t already spent.

I nearly had to pull over because my eyes suddenly got blurry.


I woke up saturday morning to an interesting scene.  So interesting that I noted it on Facebook.  I don’t recall every seeing a morning in which there was snow on some trees and other trees, right alongside, were bare … or some branches on a tree were white with snow and other branches were clear.  I wonder how Mother Nature did that.


Tonight is the radio club holiday party.  I’m in charge of the games for the door prizes.  Sorry if I’ve told you this before … indulge me.

This year my games are …

How many words can you find in the phrase Amateur Radio Frequency.  Paul and I found 288 in a bit more than 30 minutes.  I figure to have them play in teams of two and will give them about 20 minutes.  The prizes will be a mug saying JOY, four packs of hot cocoa mix, and a jar of my homemade Sweet Dreams foot cream for each.

And …

A Word Search square for holiday words such as Noel, candle, bell, Hannukah, Santa, holly, dreidle, etc. That will be individual and the prize will be a handspun, handknit scarf in shades of blue, wine, and green (which I found in the cedar chest when I was sorting out my fiber stash … I can’t remember why I never used it or gave it away), and a jar of my homemade Cold Face cream with healing, soothing herbs.

Can you tell I’m bragging because I am pleased with myself?


Hanukkah begins at sundown next sunday and will run through Christmas … again.  I remember so clearly the last time I noticed this happening.  It was the year our youngest son had turned thirteen and my chosen sister and her family came here for the holidays.  As you know, she is Jewish.  She gave us a glass dove with a leaf sprig in its beak to hang on our tree.  It has been on the holiday tree ever since, including this year.

The Winter Solstice (Yule) is the day before.  Time for the light to begin to come earlier and stay later.  Instead of waiting to go to open the chicken door after 0830, I’ll be going out shortly after I get up. And closing will be closer to bedtime rather than before dinner as it is now. 

And we all know that Christmas is next wednesday. 

Crowded holidays.  Gifts and memories and the return of the Son/Sun.

May we all be Blessed, whatever our holiday.

Remember … 

When you have not sat in darkness, you will not recognize the light.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

So … ‘til next week …