4 September …

There have been a multitude of earthquakes in our area since the first of the month.  One report said as many as 25.  They aren’t very big (<3.5) and we haven’t felt them this side of the Mountain.  They’re feeling them over in McCloud.  Predictions say that is the side of the Mountain where the rupture will occur … when it occurs.

Stay tuned …


Things are not rosy at the moment.  My computer is recovering, slowly, but yesterday my pick-up truck died.  Thankful am I that I was nearly home when it coughed its last.  I was about half a mile from home, on a hill, and was able to back down to a wide spot near a neighbor’s drive.

Mark was at home and came on down.  He and the neighbor got me home.

The truck is now in its spot, standing with the hood open.  I haven’t yet asked Mark what is wrong or if it can be repaired or how much new(er) transportation will cost. 

With all the family leading busy lives, I need my own wheels.


Weather is changing … slowly.  Mornings are cooler and there is wind or a breeze more often.

Last Sunday was the TinMan triathlon out near Lake Siskiyou.  I did Net Control at the clubhouse.  But the chaos fairy hit there as well as here at home.

The basic equipment at the clubhouse went on the fritz.  Seems everyone could hear me loud and clear, but I didn’t hear any of them.  George was always my tech person.  I don’t know radio technology at all.  So I wasn’t sure if I wasn’t hearing or if I wasn’t being heard.

One of the tech experts came to the clubhouse, diagnosed the problem as failure of either the receiver or the speaker, and set up an auxiliary unit for me to use.

The rest of the event went smoothly.

Next (and last for this year) will be the 28th … the Headwaters Trail Runs.  I am ramrodding that event and have been working on reentering all the information from last year which I lost when the old computer died.

Are we having fun yet?


Yesterday (before the Mitzu died) I was in town and had lunch with friends at a local Thai restaurant (there are two in this small town). The owner of the place where we went is the mother of the student with whom Kamille works.  I mentioned that Kamille said the food there was good and that she was my daughter.  The lady looked perplexed and then said she thought Kamille had taken a trip back east to visit her mother.  After an explanation of Kamille’s and my relationship (which was interesting since the lady’s English and her understanding of designations in American cultural relationships are both a bit eccentric), smiles were shared. 

The food was indeed good.  I had fried crab wonton and pad kee won.


The white pullets are laying … an average of 4 or 5 a day from the 10 of them.  That means we get between 12 and 14 eggs a day. 

The white eggs are still a bit small (I’m told they will eventually be larger than the browns), so they are the family eggs for now. And the hen whose neck bones were showing, as a result of the rooster’s attentions, is healing better than I would have guessed.  The muscles which were a bit exposed were not as damaged as I had feared.  Her feathers are coming back.  She gets around well and holds her own in the garbage scramble every morning.

Coop door openings and closings are getting closer together.  I let them out into the yard between 0700 and 0715, and put them away between 1945 and 2000.  Those times will be shortening as equinox approaches and will really close in after that.


The dogwood trees are starting their turn to red.  Spotty, but evident.

The other deciduous trees are still green.  The oaks are not showing any signs of autumnal change yet but as I said … they are loaded with acorns.


Guess that’s all for now.

They asked “Why do you always take the hard road?”

I replied “Why do you assume I see more than one road?”

So … ‘til next week …