10 July …

10 July …

The 4th went as it usually has for the last few years until 0200 the morning of the 6th. 

I took last wednesday off and got my old body under control so I was able to do my stint as net control for the walk/run, and then as notifier representing those out in the parade formation area during the raffle announcements.  Everyone wanted to win the Subaru, but all I could think of was the cost of title transfer and license and insurance and be glad it wasn’t going to be me.

I didn’t stay in town for the parade.

I got home about 1330, had a bite to eat, and napped off and on until time to go to the radio clubhouse for my stint as net control for the health and welfare watch beginning at 2100. Kamille relieved me at 0200 friday morning and I got home and had a good sleep.

Then friday evening I left a bit after 2000 for my second stint as net control.  All went well until about 0130 when it became obvious one of the operators supposed to be on the second watch was not going to show up. There are two operators assigned to work a watch together and it is not a good idea for one person to be alone, so the operator who was supposed to relieve me took over that post and I stayed on as net control through a second shift.  I got home a bit after 0800, went right to bed and didn’t wake up until after 1500. I sort of stumbled through the rest of the day (the family left about 1600 for other holiday activities leaving Paul and me to care for each other).  We all survived, the chores got done, people were fed, and Paul and I were in bed by 2000.

I missed the Landowners’ picnic completely.  Oh well … there’s always next year.

It was an interesting holiday weekend.


Recently, while sorting out “stuff”, I came across a book I’d gotten way back in ’93. George and I had been fans of “Northern Exposure” and I loved Chris-in-the-Morning.  The book I found is a collection of Chris’ remarks.  Always pithy.   

I was sorting books to keep or giveaway.  This turns out to be a keeper (the pictures are good too).  I had thought of it often when it was out of sight in one of the stacks of books-I-will-probably-never-open-again.  I’ve been rereading it and now I know why I kept thinking about it.

I understand the words and thoughts were written by professional writers, but I read them hearing Chris’ voice.

Here’s a sample …

Been thinking about where I’d be without all those teachers who taught me.  Then it was my turn.  Graduation.  From student I became teacher.  A chance to give back what had been given to me.  To light somebody else’s fire. So what did I do?  I blew it, plain and simple, flamed out. Flunked the course.  My student came to me with a desire to know the time.  I told her how to make a watch.  Love and learn.  Power to the hour.  Another day …


Ever felt this way?


In re the summer reading list …

I finished “Flowers for Algernon” and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.  Supposedly it is about a functioning moron with an IQ of around 50.  (Spoiler ahead if you plan to read or reread it)

Through experimental surgery, he reaches genius IQ level.  The surgery is proven to be “faulty” or only “temporary” and he returns to his “retarded” state.

I found myself thinking of life phases rather than IQ … i.e. four legs, two legs, three legs.

A bit depressing.


And talk about depressing, although a good bit of comfort as well …

Spent most all day last monday sorting photos.

Fortunately there weren’t too many I couldn’t identify.  The hand tremor was out of sorts, so I plan to ask Kamille to do the writing someday when we are both available.

Here’s one taken when George had just gotten back from Guam and we started dating for real.

Also found some pictures I am sending on to other family members.  They belong with them, not here.

There’s another box and a dresser drawer to go.

Now it starts time spent on getting all the genealogy books etc. into order.  That may fill the next year or two. Big decision is whether to start current and work backward in time, or start as far back as I know and work forward, or work surnames alphabetically, or surnames by proximity, and where and when do I start on the Plociniks?


Remember the fiasco with the windows replacement?  Well, they called saying the windows had arrived.  I asked if they were sure and Hannah said they went and looked to make sure before they called.  So everything goes back into the center of the room today and the windows go in tomorrow.

I will try to finish some of the paneling while the furniture is out of the way. 


And to top off the week … yesterday I left to go help pack lunches and about an hour into the job, my breakfast came back up.  I came home and spent the rest if the day in bed.

This morning my scale says I’ve lost between 3 and 4 pounds, but my coffee, juice, and solids are staying down.

The Shasta daisies are blooming …

And the catalpa is in full array …

So things are okay.


A note … no photos until I learn how to use this new program. Then we can do a catch-up. Sorry.


A reminder … 

If the only prayer you say throughout your life is “Thank You,” then that will be enough.            … Elie Wiesel

So … ‘til next week …