16 January …


We’ve had rain. 

We are having more rain and some snow.

The Ranch roads are in disrepair.  Every year the bogs and potholes come back in the same places.  At least I have the advantage of having driven these roads for more than forty years. We do need the snow pack and I do so love the snow vistas.

Oh well …


Mikayla was to have left this morning to catch a flight back to Rochester, New York.  Her initial flight out of Medford was cancelled (we don’t know why) although her other flights were still scheduled out of San Francisco and DC.  As of this time (1030) she is set to leave tomorrow before dawn with connecting flights arranged.  Oh well …

I didn’t see as much of her this visit as in the past (there are now five of us seeking her attention instead of just two).  I am reluctant to see her go.  Children and grandchildren grow up and age way too fast. 

Maybe it will be less than another fifteen months before she is able to return.


I was finally able to get the second shingles shot.  However it was not a good experience.  The shot and aftermath was as expected.  It was the service (or more accurately the lack of service) at the pharmacy that left me insulted and angry.

I had been called last wednesday to tell me my vaccine was in (shingles vaccine has been in short supply here) and I could come get it any time.  So thursday I left a bit before 1000 to go to Yreka.  It is an hour drive (the way I drive) but I was there before 1100 (I had a good tail wind).

The clerk noted me in and said my paperwork was with the pharmacist and I sat down for the wait.

I had not anticipated the wait I had.  The clerk kept checking for me, but I waited and waited.

The pharmacist finally came out a bit before 1200! And when I mentioned the long wait and being the only one waiting, she said she was busy preparing prescriptions for someone who might be coming for them and that being the only one in the waiting area meant nothing since there might be others waiting who were spending the time shopping (it was a pharmacy in a grocery store) and might come for their shot anytime.

Giving me the shot and filling out the necessary forms took less than three minutes.

I was angry.  Had I ever ignored a person physically present for hypothetical “might” persons I would likely have been fired. 

But I did get the shot and the only side effect was a slightly sore arm muscle.

I haven’t filed a customer survey response yet …


I have found someone to do my feet for me.  Maybe I’ve said before, but I am no longer able to fold into a position where I can reach my feet to trim my nails.  There at the last I was doing George’s toenails for him.  Now I need someone to do mine.

I found a lady in Mt Shasta who grew up not far from me here on Hammond Ranch.  She is kind and careful and I enjoy talking with her while getting my feet cared for.  No more tearing sheets or poking holes in socks with overlong nails.


Another perq of age.


I’ve been reading Smithsonian magazine (I subscribed about a year ago) and find I am picking an argument with one of their writers.  They do an article every so often about some site of interest encouraging people to go see it for themselves.  I have also been reading articles about places which have become disillusioned with tourists and wish their location had never been revealed.

I find I am in sync with the places rather than the travel writers and tourists.

I used to dream about traveling and seeing Europe and Asia and so many other places.  But now I doubt I would go even were I to have the physical ability and the money.  Why travel just to be surrounded with crowds of people taking selfies?

And reading about the vandalism is upsetting.  I remember when the worst vandalism was scratched words about “xxx was here”.  Now people are pushing over natural wonders, uprooting age-old plants, spray-painting ancient edifices, etc.

Maybe I’m glad I do my traveling at home with books and photos.


In closing …

It’s not what you look at that matters … It’s what you see.

So … ‘til next week when I hope to show you pictures of what I see …