17 October …


We are having power troubles.

The neighbor who lives here half a year and in Holland the other half, and who draws disability checks from both the Netherlands and the US, is back.

Many years ago she and George had it out over water rights to the west branch of the Shasta River (which powers our hydro turbine).  George would maintain the “diversion” (as listed on maps) and she would either go up or send her children to destroy his work and send ALL the water down to her property. 

He would repair.  She would destroy.  Etc. etc. etc.

The watermaster spoke with her. 

She filed a claim against George saying he was violating her water rights.

Her “rights”are dependent on the flow after “adjucated” rights. (i.e. established by law).  Our rights were established by law in 1892.  The judgement was against her and we had our flow back.

She just returned from Holland and now that George is gone she is starting all over again.  Mark builds.  She destroys.  Over and over again.

The watermaster is a new one but this time Mark is ready to file a complaint (and possibly a suit) against the neighbor for “stealing” our water. 

Her defense yesterday was that she is dying of cancer and her trees need water.  The watermaster says “She (the neighbor) just doesn’t understand.”       Horse pucky.

There is now a motion-activated camera up there so there will be visual evidence if it goes that far.

Mark will be enlisting the downstream neighbors, whose water comes across our land first, since it is their water as well.

Aahhh … life in the country.

Stay tuned.


The final tailgate party of the year was yesterday. Sharing was of green and red bell peppers, persimmons (with a recipe for cookies), tortilla chips, diet soda, fresh broccoli, zucchini noodles, egg plant, winter squash, and cob corn.

I will still be working the food sharing at the church, but that is only every other month … November, January, and March before the fresh produce comes back.


Today is taiko and pizza day.  I have already placed our order for pizzas via the net (wonders all around me).  Paul and I will pick them up for dinner on the way home after class.

I’ve promised we will do this once a month.  Special treat for both of us (since I don’t have to cook dinner this way).


The weather still can’t make up its mind.  Days are warm … in the high 70s or low 80s.  Nights get down near freezing.No frost yet but the trees are beginning to look bare.


The plants for the bee and bird friendly flower garden, which Kamille and I want for across the front of the house, arrived.  I am busy today, but I will start with it tomorrow.

I’ll be able to work on it thursday.  Friday and saturday are both full however.

We’re due for some showers next week.  I’ll finish as soon as I can.


The chickens are doing well.  And they are very Pavlovian.  I give them garbage every morning when I open the chicken house.  Now every time they see someone anywhere near the chicken yard, they come running.

It’s funny to watch the rooster in the morning.  He has trouble choosing between sharing in the garbage or performing his duty.




And finally … a portrait of our crazy eyed dog, Siku (one of the Inuit words for snow since he is a white Husky mix).




Thought for the week … 


The first thing to remember is that most of what we think is ‘best’ is just that to which we’re most used.  Try not to judge something as ‘worse’ just because it’s new.


So … ‘til next week …