12 September …


Things began getting really exciting last Wednesday afternoon.  I was due to pick up Paul and take him to his first taiko drum lesson (more about that later).  I left home about 1430 and on my way to town I noticed a smoke cloud in the direction of Castle Crags.

                         No mistaking that for water clouds. 

By the time we were at class the sky had gotten dark and the sun was blood red … as was the sunshine coming in the windows.

A parent at the class told me it was a new fire at Railroad Park which is at the foot of the Crags.

By the time we got home from class, I-5 was closed in both directions because the fire was on both sides of the freeway between Vollmers and Gibson,

and evacuation order warnings were issued for Dunsmuir.  Our family in Dunsmuir had made their “priority” decisions and were ready.  I too have packed the first-to-go stuff, but no warnings or even hints here.

However, these are some photos over the days here at Cold Comfort …

Long story short … it is called the Delta fire (the last one of that name was in ’88), was human caused, and was to the west of the Hirz fire (they are now joined) which followed the Carr fire … all within worry distance.

Had it moved northeast it chanced coming right up the I-5 canyon and taking out Dunsmuir, Mt Shasta, and who knows how much else of the Shasta Valley.  But the wind stayed from the east northeast and so the fire moved mostly west toward the edge of the Carr fire.

The main danger we were in was from DENSE smoke (it was soooo thick they were unable to use helicopters and retardant bombers due to lack of visibility) and from the ash drop even this far away.

We have all been having trouble with our throats, eyes, and sinuses.  So far no lung involvement.

And the pre-winter bear activity is on an upswing.  Guess the darkness or the smell of smoke has them agitated.  One has been making nightly forays in our neighborhood, but the local dogs are doing a good job.

Report on the Delta this morning is 15% contained at 53,837 acres.


Mark took Paul to see the movie “A Wrinkle in Time” and came home disappointed.  He then borrowed the audio book from the library and listening to it closed every family evening all last week.  The final chapter was last Sunday.  I’d forgotten so much of the story I was able to enjoy it all over again. 

The woman reading did a very good job.  At times she was juggling four or five voices.

One of the Hardy Boys books is our current bedtime read. 

                                                                                   Go Frank and Joe!


We are getting three or four eggs a day.  One hen is having a bit of trouble getting her eggs shelled.  We’ve found three (so far) with the membrane, but no shell.    Interesting.

One of the black chickens (can’t remember the name of the breed) is on her way to being at the bottom of the pecking order.  Twice she has been out in the yard when all the rest are in the house and up on the roost ready for the night.  And an evening earlier this week she was in the house but still roaming around on the floor.  I picked her up and put her on the roost causing a burst of agitation and scolding.

Bullies in the chicken house … oh my.


Earlier I mentioned taiko …

33 years ago   Russell Baba and Jeanne Mercer got a grant to teach taiko drumming here in Mt Shasta.  For those who don’t know, taiko is a Japanese style of group drumming requiring great timing and physical endurance.  Russell and Jeanne were (are) Masters of the art.  

If you want to know more … http://www.shastataiko.org/Public/About-Shasta-Taiko

They began teaching and developed the locals into one of the top groups in the US.  Their son is now a Master as well and travels the world performing.

Shasta Taiko is entering its fourth generation and Julie Bennett (one of the original group) has begun teaching elementary age children.

Paul goes for his second lesson this afternoon. 



The birch trees out my window have begun their change into gold.  Sometimes I think it is more beautiful only because it lasts such a short time … and this year it may be even shorter due to the weather and the fires. 


So I will enjoy.


I’ll end the week with a reminder …  

I’ve seen better days, but I’ve also seen worse.  I don’t have everything that I want, but I do have all I need.  I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up.  My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed.

So … ‘til next week …