29 August …



Thank you to those who let me know about the blog page being down.  It was something with “Two Cows”, the domain carrier.

All seems to be working again.


Our weather is cooling off.  Night temperatures are in the high 40s … time for a blanket over the sheet just before dawn and an extra shirt for the mornings.

Currently our nearest fire danger is from the Hirz fire burning just 11 miles south of McCloud toward the Hearst properties.  Winds and terrain will most likely take it east of us.


This is the view out my east window one day when the smoke was all-encompassing.


A lot of folks were wearing heavy duty filter masks, especially those with asthma and other chest problems.  There are two in the family who have had asthma problems in the past, but so far we are all doing okay.  Just not overdoing when the smoke is bad.

Mark has been giving a lot of thought and work time to fuel reduction.  In addition, we have a safe area (a fairly large spot without trees where we keep the grass mowed).  It also has water available from the 5,000 gallon tank which gravity feeds.

For the last two days we have had 90-95% clear skies.  That seems to be all we’re allowed for now. Light smoke this morning, predicted to worsen later in the day.

Oh well …


Last week, Mark and I went to a recital/concert by the Siskiyou Summer Choir which is led by a schoolmate of my boys.  The choir did Renaissance music (mostly religious as you can imagine), including five canzonetti by Monteverdi, followed by three Chinese folk songs … one of which became an ear worm for the next day.  All sung a capella.

I had not previously met Peter’s (the director) wife.  Turns out she is Chinese … hence the folk songs.

It was not a stupendous evening, but I did enjoy it.


I have a very old square rosewood grand piano which I bought years ago thinking it would find a place in the house and I would take lessons.  Wrong!

It has been on its side in a storage shed for way too many years but I may have found a home for it.  I called the County Museum and the initial reaction of the Director was “We have enough pianos already.”  But when I told her it was the one which came around the Horn probably in the late 1800s and was in Justice’s Tavern in Dunsmuir for years (with the rings left by sweating glasses to prove it), her reaction changed.  Of course, it will need heavy restoration, but she and I both hope to find a home for it either at the Museum or with a private party.  Otherwise it may have to be burned since there is no place for it in the new family house here.

Or, come to think of it … Craig’s List.

Wish me luck …


Have I told you our rooster is one of those crazies who starts crowing at 0430?  It doesn’t start to get light until after the crew leaves for work and school at 0630.  Oh well …




While going through another pile of leftovers from the years, I found an old book. 


When I opened it I found …

“Bunky” was the nickname of one of my cousins.

I remember a lot of the illustrations clearly and have begun reading it to Paul.


My herb work is way behind schedule this summer.  I am still having a bit of trouble getting back into a routine.  This morning, when I brought in the clothes for folding, I noticed the lavender needs care soon.  I’ll try to remember it this afternoon or tomorrow.

Oh well …


And to finish this week, I adapted this from a friend’s post … 

The tendency might be to see all the people who support me and say, “She has enough support. She doesn’t need me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. If you are in my life, I need you. I need your presence, your ears, your touch, your tenderness, your protection, your reassurance, and your love.

I am not standing here on my own. I have hands holding me up.

I don’t have the luxury of checking out (although I may want to sometimes) because I have family to feed and care for and books to read and friends to talk with and poetry (and a blog) to write and chickens to let out in the morning and put to roost at night and seasonal changes to follow and grandchildren to watch and …

The only way I survive is through others. Through you.  If you’ve been helping to keep me afloat  …  Thank you.

And don’t stop … Please.


So … ‘til next week …