2 May …


Last week was warm until Friday when it cooled off a little and we had rain … hard rain for about an hour with showers before and after … and rain every day until yesterday.


The birch trees are beginning to leaf out,  as are the dogwoods.




The apple is putting out buds (but no sign of blossoms yet) and the first hummers are here.



Did I tell you the peonie plants  are up?  When we moved here we had to get used to some folks calling them pee-oo’-knees.



The bulbs Paul and I planted last fall are blooming,




the gooseberries seem to be offering a good year,





the climbing rose is leafing out,



and there are pea plants waiting to be set out.



The year rolls round. 

It is staying light until nearly 2030 and beginning to be light when I get up at 0500.


My eyes are doing fine.  The drops are down to two in only the left eye three times a day and I no longer have to wear the pirate patch at night. When they were checked last week, they were both 20/20. 

However, I am having a bit of trouble breaking the but-I-have-to-wear-glasses habit.

I go for the final follow-up next week.


This month is a filled month.  Tiffany has a birthday next week as does my school chum Diane (and a cousin, Julie, is coming to visit).  My birthday is the week after.  And Michael’s and George’s birthdays both come near the end of the month.

Maybe one big celebration for all (including those whose birthdays fell earlier when the weather was iffy)?


I go to my second appointment with the therapist (to help me with depression and speed return to “normal” life) later today.

In addition, the folks in the grief group decided we still need support, so we are meeting on our own.  Last week it was at an interesting “hippy” style vegan café.  This week we are going walking.


Paul has joined the ranks of “Friends of the 4449”.  He came up the other morning and asked if there were any new videos of her doing her highballing.  And also said it would be nice if we had a model of her to run around the holiday tree next winter.  George did have a model of the SP4449.  I’ll have to keep my eyes open and find it.


I am posting two Van Gogh’s this month.  Both were painted during the Spring of 1885 when he was depressed.

The first is “The Potato Eaters” which is fairly well-known.



The other is titled “Head of a Woman” which I had never seen before.



She appears in both pictures.  I wonder who she was.


Mark is active with the local volunteer fire department.  He drives their water tender and spent last Saturday morning “tending” a proscribed burn at a neighbor’s place.  It was raining on and off and the burn took all day.

Folks are getting prepared for what looks to be a busy fire season.

Tyler has joined him and may become another firefighter.


Magic happens when you do not give up.

So …

It is time to hang out the laundry.


         ‘Til next week …