4 January …


Well … did you hit the ground running on day one of 2017?


Seems a cousin and I tried to outdo each other in hitting the ground at the end of last year.  He won since he had to spend time in hospital. 

As for me … hand is completely back to normal (knitting a lace vest), face is once more acceptable (still residual bags under the eyes but they are no longer RED), and knee continues to improve. 

Why do I need to tell you all this? 

Because when you get a chance to play the invalid … milk it.


Recently, I had an interesting cogitation spell.  I was listening to the 40s channel on Sirius when I heard “The DipsyDoodle”.  Remember it?  “… things come out in reverse”.

It made me think of Yoda and the way he phrased his sentences.


It was suggested a bit ago that if AC had not already been named, he should be called Pyewacket.  Maybe …

But “AC” leaves so much room for conjecture.











Ascendant   …   Cat.

… shall I go on … although I admit the Pyewacket heritage probably applies …woodpile-ac


especially when he insists on choosing firewood for me.



2-january-2017Weather has continued rather predictably for this time of year.  It has been COLD with sporadic snow. (Picture was taken through a window … that’s the reflection of a lamp you see)

to-the-east-3-january-2017Last evening there was nearly 20″ of light, dry, fluffy snow in the backyard.

4-jaunary-2017This morning I-5 is closed from Ashland in the north all the way to Redding in the south.  Of course we’re snowed in … but the woodshed and the 7-11 are full.

front-bell-4-january-2017John is getting a taste of old-fashioned winter in Siskiyou County.


For the past two years I have kept a jar on the counter behind my place at the table into which each evening I put (as I remember to) a note on which I write something that gave me pleasure during the day.  Then at the start of the New Year I give thanks for the pleasure and start a new jar.

This year the jar starts with a note about the Vienna Philharmonic’s New Year’s Concert and the new “Sherlock”.  What a mixed pleasure.

However, I do wish whomever it was who thought adding a narrator and information about Viennese royalty adds to a musical concert would rethink their priorities.

Kvetch Kvetch Kvetch …




Each year I get a calendar for myself called  “The Reading Woman”.  Here’s the picture I choose to share for January.  It is from a  painting titled “Studying” done in 1898 by Arkady Rylov, a Russian symbolist painter.

It is much to my taste.


More snow pictures (for comparisons) …comparisons


Now … something to remember all the days to come …


Today there’s a stranger somewhere who really needs your smile . . . perhaps on the street, in the elevator, in line at the store . . .

You may never formally meet or even speak and there’s no way of knowing for certain who that stranger is.

So please don’t take a chance and miss the opportunity. I promise your day will be better, and someone else’s will change in a powerful and extraordinary way.
… by Benjamin M Williamson


Sounds like a good way to start the year.  Can you see me smiling?  I send you Blessings …


So … ’til next week …