1 March ’23

Thanks to Lynn Johnston

Saturday 25th – Snowing lightly overnight, 1”

Sunday  26th  –  Snowing lightly on and off 2” total new

Monday  27th  –  Snow with fog temp low 29 temp … Snow stopped 1300, still no sun … Snow started again, wind from the south, 1412

Tuesday  28th  –  1” extra snow overnight, light on and off snow most of the day until about 4:30  

Wednesday  1st  –   No countable snow over night and sun is shining at 0753.  I had expected more but it is said is more coming.  Our Village streets are plowed and John came to relieve my possible SAD and do whatever I need done like pick up mail and do a mini grocery shopping.


James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick announced the discovery of DNA’s chemical structure on the 28th of February 1953 (Old Farmers Almanac, online daily post) … not that Watson and Crick) discovered it because actually they didn’t. 

The discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 was made possible by Dr Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction work. Her creation of the famous Photo 51 demonstrated the double-helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid: the molecule containing the genetic instructions for the development of all living organisms.  (Technology & Science …  Posted 11 October 2016)

Notice it was a woman who did the breakthrough work and men who get the credit. 

And now you know the rest of the story (to quote a well-known radio personality).


There is an old Tennessee saying that when it is snowing or raining and the sun is shining, the Devil’s wife is crying.

I think it applies even if the sun isn’t actually seen but its light is fully visible like through falling snow or fog. 


I have been back to genealogical research.  I recently got an email from the LDS Family Search site that an addition had been recorded in my family records by a second or third cousin, all of whose details were hidden because they are still alive.

I was able to check my own records and discovered it started with a second cousin’s wife or his sister or a daughter of one of them. I was able to narrow the list to three living third cousins. 

Doesn’t sound exciting to a non-genealogist, but being able to identify who it might be and so being able to contact and ask for some information not yet in my files was interesting to me but is most likely a so-what to anyone else.

Oh well …

Evidently I wasn’t the only one who noticed that every woman on television no matter what her age or any other category or what program , with the exception of Whoopie, all have the same upper torso profile.

There was an ad on some site, I can’t recall which channel or program, and which remained on the screen for just one viewing. It was posted by the company manufacturing and selling the bra which creates the profile.  Before I could grab my camera to document the source of the look, evidently the company had second thoughts and withdrew the ad.

No sign of the ad since.


The tv series on Paramount+ called
Pickard seems to have only two episodes in season #3 which ended with an interesting reveal of Pickards’ son, appearances by Dr. Cusher and Worf, and what looked like the teaser for a new Star Trek seriesI think I’ll rewatch that episode.


To close out the week …

Find a way to compromise what you want to do with what you are still able to do. Trust your instincts, allow them to be your guide, and you can cope with anything.

So onward ‘til next week …