21 December …

Water was back on at a little after1600 yesterday.  I spent the day starting to re-adjust to the change in water routine.  Thankful this didn’t happen when we were also doing the Spring Forward thing.  Adjusting to semi-major changes one at a time is enough.


Jettus came to the back door to let me know about the water and he came to the back door, came in calling out “It’s Jettus” (as I told him to do when he was bringing me drinking and cooking water) and shut off the kitchen water faucet for me which I had left running to let me know the water was back. 

I had been jostled awake around 0300 by my phone telling me there was an earthquake and I should take cover.  

I felt the movement. 

Then I had been edgy all morning, probably feeling aftershocks subliminally as a result of growing up on a farm where a section of the San Andreas fault ran through the lower pig and cow areas and minor shakes were not uncommon.

I was napping when Jettus got here about the water after getting to sleep at ~1300 following being awake for such a long time after the earthquake notice.  Consequently I was a bit groggy and he was in a hurry. 

National news this evening showed a lot of damage in Yreka and made a big thing of the two deaths down river in Happy Camp neither of which were caused directly by the quake but due to their existing medical problems needing attention and help was unable to reach them due to road damage caused by the quake, so I guess it’s true their deaths were quake caused. 


I don’t have a menorah but do have a candle in the office window along with a sign wishing all a Happy Hanukkah.


Weather has been staying not much above freezing for over a week now.  Snow on the porch is between 3 and 4 feet deep but with an ice coating. Am trying to get up courage enough to test it and go out to hang a bird feeder.  The early birds are getting anxious and flying over to see if the feeder has been hung out yet.

Maybe the solution is to take off the screen on the window through which I could reach the hanger and hang myself out that window.  

I recently saw a hand decorated Christmas tree competition being held in the Medford Armory.  It was won by a tree about six feet tall with a nice number of mixed coloured led lights, some decorations looking to be family favourites from the past mixed with store bought ones, and a small village with an HO scale model train running around it.

It made me a bit teary since it looked so much like the ones George and I had for so many years.

The winner also made me sort of sad about all the Commercial trees epitomized by the extremely tall tree between the skating rink and the NBC studio windows in New York City which makes me wonder every year why such a big deal is made over finding the just perfect tree and then covering it in so many lights you can’t see the tree.


 Trump’s Marvel cards, at least the ones I’ve not been able to avoid seeing, are textbook examples of Narcissist behaviour, i.e unable to function unless he is the absolute center of everything and believes everything he wants is owed to him.  Poor man can’t seem to help himself or stop making a fool of himself regardless. 

Reminded me of Putin’s need to be the alpha male and having no idea what to do when he is forced to admit he has in the past and, much like Trump, is currently making a fool of himself.


Hanukkah began last sunday and will end next monday the 26th…

Although I don’t have a Hanukkah menorah, I do have a single candle in a jar in the window and it will have to do.  

Chag Urim Sameach !!! 

And a thought for the coming week ..

 Don’t wait for things to get simpler, easier, better.

Life will always be complicated.

Learn to be happy right now.

Otherwise, you’ll run out of time.

So ‘til next week …