14 September …

The Queen is dead … Long live the King.

Although the US is not a member of the Commonwealth, and I never met Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mountbatten,  I mourn her loss to this world.


News reports told of the new UK Prime Minister going to Balmoral to meet the Queen for the ceremony during which the reigning Monarch asks the new Prime Minister to create a government.  That was less than two days before the Queen’s death and an echo of her promise to serve however short or long her life might be.  

EIIR was increasingly dependent on her cane, after all she was in her later 90s and had a right to require folks to come to her rather than expect her to go to London just so that first meeting could happen in Buckingham Palace as in the past. It was nice to see the Queen continuing to discharge her duty as she promised so many years ago displaying her usual smile of greeting.


I stumbled on a rodeo on the net and during the bull riding I began to think about pronunciations.

Having grown up in a farming/cattle area, I learned to say road’ ee o.  Then when my address became citified I heard some folks saying row day’ oh.

So which is correct?  I  suppose it depends on whether you choose to be a little bit country and go to a road’ ee oh or go to spend your money on Row day’oh Drive.

Oh well …


One time this last week I was treated to four hummers at the feeder together.  It lasted long enough for me to enjoy before the bully showed up.

Of course, I’m hoping to see that repeat more often.  The other change is that visits to the feeder diminish as temps rise.


Just can’t seem to avoid seeing doppelgängers.  Last week it was Prince Harry as a firefighter on one of the Oregon fires.  


 Francis was here overnight at the start of the Mill fire.  His parents were busy with helping those evacuated from the fire area. 

Francis and I had a quiet time.  I need to set in a supply of games, both card and board to help fill the boring gap between generations. (those google eyed yellow creatures aren’t my choice of TV).

The most excitement during his stay was a fox, who had taken to making predawn rounds between 0130 and 0330.  

Foxes make a strange sound, much like someone clearing their throat, loud enough to wake you up.

I’ve seen the fox but never been able to get a photo.


My reading has been a Jesse Stone mystery (are you surprised again?) and was interested and a bit dismayed to see that someone who had read the book before me had obviously been eating something chocolate and left a hefty blot which they tried to wipe off.  It was a few pages later with another swipe and again … oh well … followed by several gradually smaller and fainter marks and efforts to wipe.  Of course I wondered who it was since there was no way to check the 17 readers before me.

It was a good reminder to be careful of what, if anything, I eat while reading.

And another thing … lately in some standalone novels as well as Brit or Aussie or Kewi tv the story just ends with the solution of the mystery/murder.  There is no follow up concerning what happens after to the murder participants, although the storyline for the main characters goes on.

It was a bit jarring the first time, but now I kind of like it.


 Big news, other than the death of the Queen, tuesday morning was an unruly turkey which refused to honor orders to get out of the road.

Other big news was a herd of deer honoring the crosswalk as they were making their way to the other side of the road.

Nature making us laugh or at least smile..


 The monday elder lunches have resumed.  The Community Center is closed because of evacuations and home losses. So we were sheltered for lunch at the Berean Church between the burn area and the road into Shastina.  The road to get there goes through the burned out areas on both sides of the road which are blocked off with the ubiquitous yellow tape.

Some vehicles were slowing, evidently to see and maybe take pictures but not stopping.  I didn’t even slow.  I’ll be seeing that area enough in days to come.


Now to end the week …

Ever noticed that the rear view mirror is smaller than the windshield?

Well here’s the philosophical answer if not the proper driving advice.

Don’t waste time looking back.  You’re not going that way.

…  Ragnar Lothbrok

So, ‘til next week …