31 August …

My chosen sister’s husband Barry died last week.  He had been ill for quite some time with an inherited brain disease similar to Alzheiner’s and had become unresponsive a week or so ago.

My niece and family had to leave for their new diplomatic assignment in Uruguay tuesday evening but only Lisa will be able to come home to support her mother.  Adam and his family live in the San Fernando Valley. 

Helene and Barry’s older granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah was last saturday and my sister had been updating Barry daily on the preparations and then on the service.  

I know that people who seem to be no longer with us are still able to hear and so it is my belief that he was taking part in the service preparations, and the service as well, through the descriptions and waited for the completion of that event before leaving.                                                               As my maternal grandmother would say …

“May he have a mercy journey.”

I am unable to travel but was able to attend the service via the internet. 

I will attend the Celebration of Life via the internet and also talk with Helene when she is sitting shiva.


This week’s weather has been what the denizens of McCloud tell me is close to normal for this time of year around here … cool to chilly night (high 50s to mid 60s) and warm to an occasional hot day (mostly 80s and low 90s).  They have had a day or two with temperatures over 100 around the Mountain in Mt Shasta and Weed.


Every time I listen to the news and hear the latest from Putin’s War, I remember Hawkeye’s take on the Rules of war … 

“War has only two rules.  #1 young men die.  and #2 you can’t change rule #1.”

Of course, he was in a war where only men, mostly young men, were in the line of fire.  Now he’d have to change that group to “people” since young women are in all the US services and Putin is randomly bombing schools, theatres, hospitals, houses, playgrounds, apartment buildings, and anything that happens to be where his shells fall. 

Scorched earth and scare tactics.

As we Mothers for Peace knew and declared during VietNam …


Last week John tested positive for Covid and let me know right away.  I’ve tested myself twice since we had been working in close quarters on my computer, once right away and again five days later.  Both negative.

Fortunately his symptoms were not too severe and I have none so all is well.


I made a mistake last in week’s blog (noooooo, not me).  The hoop dancer in the Pageant was named Gilbert Costo who we called Skip.  Not that he will complain since, like most of my classmates, he is dead.  I just needed to make sure I corrected his information.

A belated goodbye Skip.


 And speaking of classmates, I made contact with another of our class members.  He is a retired MD who currently lives in Tacoma, Washington.  We had an hour long visit.

That makes two of us in California, one in Oregon, and now one in Wasington.  So that’s four that we know are still alive and, if not kicking, at least moving.

The four of us have agreed to make the effort to touch base at least every four or five weeks. To check on each other and pass on any news.  I hope we can keep contact. 

There were 67 in that graduating class and I believe it would be a miracle if there were more than a handful of us still alive.

Oh well …


The launch of Artemis I was scrubbed last monday due to a possible problem with the #3 booster engine.  They will try again next friday. I’ll be watching.

That may sound like a set back, but I think the creators don’t see it that way since this is scheduled to be a learning flight before sending Astronauts on the next step toward a Mars landing.  

I doubt I’ll live to see the Mars landing, but I will rejoice in the steps I will be able to watch in the interim.


At the risk of sounding like a Johnny one note …

Science has caught up with those seeing more and more doppelgängers.

“Scientists have long wondered about doppelgängers — people who look alike but have no actual family connection. Now, some researchers believe they can explain why unrelated people resemble each other. Plus, according to their study, there’s probably someone in the world who looks like you.  They may even share your same behavior traits.”  (Copied from CNN)

The report goes on to say doppelgängers share many similar areas on their DNA even when they aren’t closely related, i.e. not siblings or first or second cousins.

And Robin Williams doing the Limbo on roller skates in a commercial.

How many doppelgängers have you seen lately?


Still wondering about Climate Change?

An interesting article about it from BBC.



I’ve had a couple of weird happenings both following tiring days.

Both of those days I was involved from early morning and not arriving home until after 3 o’clock.  I am still on farm time usually going to bed around 6:30 or 7. 

We are on daylight time so it is still light until 8 or 8:30.

Both days I woke up, the clock said it was 7, and it was light outdoors.  I thought I had slept the clock around and it was morning so I was ready to get dressed and start my day.

Fortunately I texted my walkabout neighbor telling her I might be a bit late because of the previous tiring day and got an instant text back telling me it was 7 pm and so I could go back to sleep.

I need to learn how to set the alarm on my phone to 0700 so that if it wakes me I’ll know it is morning, not evening, and it is time to rise and shine.  

Strange adventures in this process of getting old.

Oh well … 


Mornings are getting later and later.  

Morning sun is not hitting the tops of the tallest trees to the west of us until just before 0700.  It takes another 15 minutes before it strikes the houses in our cul de sac and another 45 minutes before it hits my front porch.

Equinox is only about three weeks away. 


Seems this has been a week of endings, and rememerings, and acknowledging all I have for which I am grateful.

I don’t recall where I first read this but I now send it to my sister in memory of both of our husbands …

the day I forget to love you

the day I forget your name

… and then my own

I will turn in the center

of my intricate weave,

spelling your name in my dance …

your hidden name which

is simply, finally



Now to end the week …

The most beautiful way to start and end a day is with a grateful heart.  

So, ‘til next week …