16 February …

Well, the geese weren’t around for a short time.  Seems a coyote found them in the bushes next door. I was feeling sad.  Then this morning, during my walkabout with my neighbor, they were back.

I was so happy to hear them again that I stopped to look up while they flew overhead, completely forgetting their propensity to poop in flight.

I am blessed with their return.  Hope the coyote has moved on. And was soooooooooooo lucky they didn’t poop while I stood there looking up enjoying.


And speaking of geese … I just saw an article about some area (I didn’t read the entire post and don’t remember whether or not the place was mentioned) where an entire flock of geese was being used as an insect control method.  

I knew of this use.  Can’t use chickens since they eat everything available, not just unwanted weeds and insects.

Additional thought was the use of goats in some areas to clear unwanted plants in fire-prone areas.

Geese and goats.  

Great combo …


Have recently been subjected to praises of air fryers by a neighbor and one of my sons.  I decided to get one which the neighbor will buy for me next time she goes to CostCo up in Oregon (no sales tax).

Will also ask her to check out the availability of electric tea kettles. I first saw one in a Cornish inn/hotel and didn’t know what it was or how to use it.  Now I want one.  It will take up less counter space than the microwave while delivering nearly instant tea water.


I also need to get some stuff for the extra room … sheets, bed pad, pillows, bedside rugs, bookcase, etc. Maybe someday on a trip to Yreka followed by lunch at Casa Ramos.


Recently, following the sale of the farm and the purchase of my current home, I learned I will need to file a tax report.  George and I hadn’t done a tax return in 40+ years (too money poor) so I have no idea what to do. 

Then I learned of an organization called JEDI right here in Mt Shasta who will do tax paperwork by professionals at no charge.  They even post a list of what you need to provide them by way of information.  And it doesn’t require an appointment.  

I will begin gathering the paper work and go sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Will let you know the result.


Also due to the real estate transactions I find I am the owner of an “estate” and need an attorney to make sure my children don’t get caught in the morass of probate when I die.

I never thought I would own enough to be an estate owner.  

That process will start with a phone consultation next tuesday with an attorney with whom in the past (as an amateur radio operator) I did  communication during an annual running event sponsored by the local Rotary Club (it hasn’t be held in the past two years).

Who ever thought I would need an attorney or that volunteer work would be a valuable asset …

Too bad there was no way to keep me out of Facebook jail due to my opinion about the difference between musicianship and burlesque-like performance.

Oh well …


To end the week, a thought from an indigenous young man …

A man slaughtered a big cow, lit the grill and said to his daughter, “Daughter, call our relatives, friends, and neighbours to eat with us… let us feast!”

His daughter took to the street and started shouting,

“Please help us put out a fire at my Dad’s house!”

After a few moments, a small group of people came out but the rest acted like they didn’t hear the cry for help.

Those who came ate and drank until late.

The stunned father turned to his daughter and said to her,

“The people who came I barely know them, some I had never seen before, so where are our relatives, friends, and neighbours?”

The daughter said, “Those who came out of their homes came to help us put out a fire in our house and not for the party.”

The lesson is that those who don’t help you during your struggle, shouldn’t eat with you at your party.  Those are the ones who deserve generosity and hospitality.

Darnell Benally

So,‘til next week … Be among the ones who deserve to share in the party.