19 February …

It’s been one of those weeks … part up, part down.

Three more friends to be removed from my contacts list.  At this age that seems to be a given … if not weekly, at least monthly.


But a good thing …

Some time ago, a genealogical cousin with whom I am in contact, sent me a small book of poetry which he had found in a book sale where he lives (Tampa, Florida).  It was written in the 1960s by a woman living in Redlands, California.

I read it and found a couple of interesting pieces, but all in all (imho) it isn’t very good poetry.  However … being a genealogist, I thought there might be a family member out there somewhere who would want to have it.

Next step was to put a note on several genealogist facebook pages with the information and see what happened.  What happened was that several other genealogists jumped in and I wound up with some names, addresses, and phone numbers.  AHA … off I went … and here is where you make an O with your finger and thumb and shake your head.

The names I got all seemed legit, but contacting them turned into a frustrating enterprise.  The phone numbers I found were incorrect, disconnected, or just didn’t answer. There were no email addresses available, and I didn’t have the money, time, or inclination to write to them all.

Then saturday, one of the phone outreaches worked.  I got an email from a granddaughter in Colorado and the book is on its way to its new home.

Kaloo Kalay !!!


The chickens are no longer escaping into danger.  And we’re still getting a dozen plus eggs a day. I attribute it to me giving them a can of corn scratch (Mark calls it “chicken candy”) at bedtime every day.  

We won’t be getting chicks this spring.  The older hens have at least another year of productivity left in them and the whites have two or three years to go.

Too bad.  Everyone seems to enjoy chicks.

Oh well …


The Metropolitan Opera schedule for the 2020-2021 season was released last week.  Exciting. We know which ones will be in theatres and so available for us out here in the boonies … and I’ve got my list.  I had hoped to see Hoffman, Tristan, Rusalka, and Billy Budd but they aren’t on the list.

Oh well …


I’ve ordered the first plants for what I hope will become a butterfly-hummer garden out in the courtyard area.  I’m starting small and rebuilding. Paul asked if we can get it ready so we can eat outdoors this summer. That tradition sort of dropped away while I was adjusting to my new status as widow.  Now I need to re-establish good habits.

I’ve chosen to replace the lavender which fell victim to no-place-else-to-tie-up-the-dog with possibly a witch hazel in the middle.  I am also putting in some salvias, a butterfly bush, a dragonfly periwinkle, and moving and resettling the all-heal. I may have to also resettle an apple tree which has been set out for several years and isn’t doing anything where it is.  It hasn’t died, just not thriving.

And another section of the courtyard will begin my herbal garden.  More about that later.

Weather is moving toward spring (although it is still cold … 22 this morning). I hope to get started with cleaning up later this week.  I will probably begin with raking up the grape and wisteria leaves and scattering them where I plan to put the salvias etc. then add some of the aged horse manure I got from a neighbor before George died … it is well aged.  That should give the plants a good start.  

I also plan to talk to them a lot.


The radio club is voting on whether or not to cover the endurance run next July.  I gave them until next friday to make their decision. So far the vote is 2:1 against participation as a club.  If that holds I’m off the hook for planning.  The names of all in favor of the event will be forwarded to the two hams doing the planning and so those interested will have the chance to participate.

Seems like the best solution.


I’ve been spinning the red and white merino bamboo mix.  It is so smooth and easy. Next up will be a soft pink … a cowl for a friend’s birthday.  I’m not really a pink person, but she is.

As I’ve told you, spinning for me is relaxation and meditation.  While spinning last week I made an interesting discovery. It was the 50somethingth (is that proper language?) anniversary of the arrival of the Beatles in the US and Sirius was doing a Beatles heavy day. I (being a longtime Beatles fan) was listening.

Great listening!  

Not so good for spinning.  It seems I can relax and spin with symphony hall stuff playing.  But with Beatles I tend to sing along and lose count, and that messes with my bobbin loads.  And the same thing happens at the 40s Junction. More than seventy years and I remember most of those lyrics.

Oh well …


The California primary is coming up.  I have voted absentee for some time now and cast my ballot last week.

So here’s a pitch … we all have the opportunity to have a say.  I consider it a duty and have felt that way ever since my first vote in 1952 (in those days you had to be at least twenty-one to vote or to do a lot of other things).  

So, if you haven’t already voted …  when it’s your turn, VOTE!  If you agree with my choices, good for you.  If not, it’s your choice. Just make sure you vote.


Now, when we are all dealing with so many political lies, I thought this Yiddish proverb was apropo …

Even a half truth is a whole lie.

So … ‘til next week …