12 February

I’ve been reading a “non-fiction” history of the Comanche Wars in Texas over the late 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.  There is an interesting quote that caught my eye (on page 102, “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S. C. Gwynne)

There is history that is based on hard, documented fact; history that is colored with rumor, speculation, or falsehood; and history that exists in what might be termed the hinterlands of the imagination.

So far this book seems to be a bit of the first two categories with a smattering of the third.

I’ve been learning a lot about what was going on in the area, which became the state of Texas, while the eastern coast colonies were establishing themselves, the Mexican west coast of the continent was being invaded by overflow from the east coast, and the fairly new United States was fighting a Civil War.  Indigenous peoples all over the place didn’t have a chance.  

Of course, they were no saints either.


Spinning has been taking up some, and a bit more, of my time.  I got some merino/silk fiber in shades of rose with whisps of pure white.  The supplier called it “Ares” (from the Zodiac). But I think it is a bit more Scorpio.  It is a little soft for the god of war. That would need to be hotter … more on the orange side of red.  But Scorpio is the sign of passion and a nice rose seems to suit.  

A group I belong to has a silent auction as a fundraiser and I think I’ll finish spinning this, knit a lacy cowl, put something about the nature of those born under the sign of Scorpio on the tag with washing instructions, and put it in the sale.  

Even  had thoughts about doing the entire Zodiac.


Life with chickens is never dull.

Living where we do, predators are always a concern.  One way and another we are down to nineteen hens from a high of twenty-six (nineteen’s plenty since they average fourteen eggs a day). But we had been having trouble with the whites being out of the yard every day.  It had gotten so that there were usually two out when I went to water and collect eggs. After a few trips out, they would follow me to the hen house door and go back in with the others.  Sunday night they were in a hurry and went in between my feet. And the number had risen to three and then to four.  

We thought they were flying over the fence, which is a good six feet high, and so Mark caught some of those getting out and cut wing and tail feathers.  But they continued to get out. Then sunday Mark said he thought they were going under the fence so I walked a perimeter check and found one corner where the “dust” site had been deepened enough.  

Problem solved.

Population is now holding at five browns, five blacks, two barred, and seven whites.


Last evening was the monthly meeting of the local landowners’ association (of which I am Secretary).  A couple of items were timely.

Our local fire company, which began as a smalltime volunteer group, has become a “district” for which the firefighters are independent, individual contractors with the County.  That is a designation the folks in this area are having a bit of trouble understanding. It is a result of being funded by a tax. Mark is trying his best to instruct in re the situation, but folks can be stubborn in holding onto old ideas.  The big thing coming up is a new pumper. I think it’s a pumper anyhow. The current piece of equipment is over thirty years old and a question came up about who is paying. I’m glad I’m not on the committee sorting through the ins and outs of bureaucracy money.

Another situation is fireworks and noise abatement.  Until the influx of Bay area money (Silicone Valley) ten or fifteen years ago, gunshots and noise makers weren’t a problem.  Now that there are more and more houses naturally closer together, it is becoming a problem. Current increased fire danger adds to the mix. It will take some time, and some headbutting with gun folks and fireworks enthusiasts, to get that under control.

And street numbers … stay tuned.


The summer planning for radio events has started.  The California Untamed endurance run is BIG and will require a lot of interagency and club cooperation.  I hope I will be able to hand off the task to some other ham soon and be just the “overall” event coordinator.

It will be a big event and is going to require a lot more planning than our current local events.  It is even looking as if the county Emergency Planning Agency is going to be involved.


Weather warmed a bit.  The high temperature yesterday was in the mid-fifties.  No snow left at this altitude. That is not good for snowpack depths, but no one is complaining … yet.


At the moment I am up to my ears  in things which need to be done, so to close, I’ll share a morning reminder …

I’ve seen a better day, but I’ve also seen worse. I don’t have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up.

‘til next week …