25 July …


Life is so unpredictable lately. 


It was an interesting week …

Fires to the north of us.  Fires to the east of us.  Fires to the south of us.  We’re clearing for fire safety and still okay in spite of all the smoke.

Late Sunday evening, just  before midnight, we had a hail storm … hail the size of dimes and nickels which hit us full-on, but dissipated before it reached I-5.  It woke me by hitting the slanted front windows so hard I was expecting to see cracks.

Earlier Sunday evening we had lightning.  One strike hit not more than four miles to the north across Old Stage (the paved road) and started a tree fire.  The heavy rain had controlled that one before the fire crew got there.

And on and on and …


Thinking of clearing for safety … We’re in sort of a dilemma right now.  There is a big stand of trees to the west between the house and the road which had been left to grow because they protected the house from road dust and noise.  But they have become a safety hazard as we go longer and longer without a burn.

Current thought is to drop most of the trees and have them milled into rough fence boards and then replace the trees with a six-foot fence.  That would help with the dust and keep the noise down, but might increase the snow drop onto the road.

Oh well …




I told you about getting a pedicure in order to get my toenails cut …

well … they got sparkled as well.



Gardening, like much else, has gone by the wayside this year.  I had stayed out of the way but that turned out to be a mistake.  Next year Kamille and I will plan and care for the garden together.

The two Mrs. Dibelkas are learning to trust and work with each other.


I have been to the movies more in the last four months than I had been in the previous ten years.  George preferred to get the DVDs and watch from his comfy chair so we did the Netflix thing.  Saw several really good movies that way.

Then last Thursday Mark came in the house early afternoon and asked if I’d like to go see the new Jurassic Park movie.  We did a really quick meal and then Mark, Kamille, Tyler and I went to the movie.  I had not seen the three movies between this one and the original.  However, it didn’t make a difference.

Not a bad movie, but obviously setting up for the next one …

                 human clones ???

And I have a date with a friend to go see the sequel to “Mamma Mia”.


One day last week, Siku (Mark’s dog) proudly displayed a squirrel he had caught.  He seems to be allergic to grains (not unheard of in dogs I learn) and so his diet was restricted.  Now he is hunting on his own and so his protein count will be nearing normal.  Just as long as he doesn’t try to bring them into the house.


About the chickens …

Here’s a picture of Kazoo (whose voice is still cracking)…

and one of Picasso (named that because, like a lot of the artist’s drawings, she is just a little weird).

I’d be willing to bet you’ve never seen one like her before.  Her beak was bent when she hatched and she seems to be handling her “disability” well.  She may turn out to be the dominate hen due to the training in getting her share of food.


With Picasso in mind … 


To be lucky is to be open, adaptive, flexible, receptive to the new, relaxed and awake, so you can see the opportunities when they arrive and then act on them without hesitation, doubt, or fear.


So … ‘til next week …