30 August …


Scary time.  There are fires to the west (Parks Creek), north (Dorris), and south (Mt Bradley).  Sleeping is difficult. 

Skies cleared yesterday afternoon, but I could smell smoke, and the smoke pall is back this morning.

This map is a copy off the net to show you what is happening here.  That’s why it is so blurry. 

We are just below the central green icon (approximately).




Trip to Medford last week was smoky when we left home, Smoky as we went north, and SMOKY when we got into Oregon.  It was interesting in that we knew we were in a valley but were unable to see any surrounding mountains.  Almost like being in Kansas.

As we went through Shasta Valley, I was able to see that some of the alfalfa fields have been left to brownover, some were still being irrigated, some had just been mowed for the third or even the fourth time, there were big stacks of 7-string bales in one, and the roadside barns were mostly full to overflowing.  It was a good year for those farmers.

And then, as we came around the reservoir heading home, I looked up from the book I was reading, and there was the Mountain.  I hadn’t seen Her in several days due to the smoke, but the wind must have been from the south that afternoon and had cleared our area.  Nice.


Mark, Paul, and Kamille are now into an early morning routine which means George and I are also into a new morning routine.  I’m up an hour earlier so that we can be out of the kitchen to make room for the other family to start their day.

They’re out of the house by 0645 and not back until afternoon.  So the main part of our day stays the same.

So far the new routine is working well.



Overnight last week the pergazebollis grapes came ripe.  The birds were after them so they had to be picked and we now have grape jelly.

The plums are almost there.  In a few days I’ll pit, cut, and freeze them for cobblers and later breakfast cakes.


Mornings are noticeably darker now and there is a cool crispness to night air no matter the daytime temperature.  The wild fruits are ripening.  The leaves on the maple tree and the Virginia Creeper are beginning to turn. The geese and ducks overhead are calling as they make their way south.  The local bears are getting bolder in their effort to fatten up for winter.  It will soon be time to pull up the bed comforter.


Further on the subject of food …

When my boys were in school in Mt Shasta, there were no cafeterias in any of the schools.  That sort of bothered me.  There had been cafeterias, I am told, but they were not incorporated into the plans when the schools were redone in the 60s.

Our schools in Hemet back in the 40s had cafeterias.

Now our grandson has just started kindergarten (not kindeegarden) and I discover that in the last years, since Mark graduated high school, all three schools now have lunch for everyone.

Paul brought home a printed menu and it looks as if they have a pretty good child nutritionist in charge what with at least two vegetables with every meal and things like fruit, graham crackers, and applesauce for dessert.


Another change that surprised me (since this is a poor, rural county and not usually leading) is that there is a teacher at the Elementary School whose job, other than teaching, is maintaining the school garden (but then that could include teaching as well).  Wow …

That explains the fresh vegetables prevalent on the menu.

I hope to get down there soon to see for myself and I will post pictures.


No stars … red moon … smoke …

Sounds like the start of a poem.


To end the week I am reminded that …


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Being a parent is the only job that by the time you are trained and experienced you are out of a job.


So … ‘til next week …